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Aug 9, 2022
Why Branding Is Essential to Create Long Term Value
Branding actually is a tool you can invest in for long term value - not just short term results. We review how the human eye can influence

Aug 6, 2022
E-Commerce Essential Packaging Design Tips
There are VISUAL and STRUCTURAL essentials of "E-Commerce Packaging Artwork Design." We will cover 6 tips

Oct 21, 2019
Brand and Website Redesign For Earth's Natural Clay
Beauty and wellness originate from within which is why what you put in your body can matter more than what you put on it. How will you...

Oct 16, 2019
ADVICE: Designing Efficient, Indestructible & Impactful E-Commerce Packaging (Posted on ECRM BLOG)
Written for ECRM and 1st posted their Blog on 10/16/19. Most emerging brands get their start selling online, typically via Amazon as well...
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