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Apr 3, 2020
Best Practices For Virtual Meetings
ZOOM CALL MISHAPS? You know can sell like a superstar but it is just not the same during this #CoronaVirusQuarantine when everyone is...
Feb 26, 2020
Sweet Artwork for Miel Labonte Honey Now In TJX Stores
Miel Labonte makes sweet and pure honey's in Canada. Their latest giftable honey jars 2.2 lb/ 1 kg packaging and artwork by Pearl...
Feb 4, 2020
It's time. Time to take a one day break from working IN your business, to work ON your business!!! Yeah, it's time for THE GET IT STARTED...
Nov 9, 2019
Why Branding Makes Money For Physical Product Brands?
By Kat Reyes and Emily Page “I’m a busy emerging brand - why the heck should I care about brand consistency? I only care about speed to...
Oct 21, 2019
Brand and Website Redesign For Earth's Natural Clay
Beauty and wellness originate from within which is why what you put in your body can matter more than what you put on it. How will you...
Jul 11, 2019
ADVICE: How to Keep Your Co-Packers and Vendors From Stealing Your Ideas
As a brand owner who is sourcing co-packers and pitching vendors, it is perfectly understandable to be apprehensive about releasing your...
Mar 1, 2019
ADVICE: What's the #1 Thing That Should Drive Your Priorities Today?
By Emily Page 2/27/2019 As a brand owner, you have a million competing priorities. When you sit down to create your "TO DO" list how do...
Feb 25, 2019
ADVICE: 5 Things You Did Not Think About The Last Time You Ordered Packaging
If just ordered packaging here are 5 things you probably didn't think about but should of: 1) Your packaging structure and artwork will...
Oct 15, 2018
ADVICE: Quick Tips To Extend Shelf Life With Packaging (filmed at ECRM with Joe Tarnowski)
By Emily Page, October 15, 2018 Joe Tarnowski and Emily Page are passionate about product development and have quick advice for...
Jun 25, 2018
ADVICE: How & Why To Develop Packaging Line Extensions
Video interview of Emily Page, CEO of Pearl Resourcing by Joe Tarnowski at ECRM October 15,2018 Let's talk "'How and Why' To Do A Line...
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