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It's so easy to let packaging be the last thing you think about in your product development and sales plan. Product development is a fast paced multivariable challenge - and sometimes it's a rush to pick what to put something in... and as a result it ends up all about cost on the penny and speed to market. But in reality product = packaging + stuff inside. They aren't 2 separate things, they influence and depend on each other. Great packaging SELLS a product by telling customers what it is and why it's valuable.

When do you start to pick your packaging in the product life cycle? Is it a priority or a last minute thought?
"Packaging defines a product." - Emily Page, CEO of Pearl Resourcing
Great packaging SELLS a product by telling customers what it is and why it's valuable.

Poor packaging execution can equal ZERO first time sales or ZERO repeat sales if the product doesn't arrive in one piece. Designing packaging (structure and artwork) should be as important of a focus and investment as actually designing the stuff inside because it will determine if the product sells and safely gets enjoyed by your customer.

How important is packaging in building your product?
"I believe packaging is a part of your product the way your skin is a part of your body." - Emily Page, CEO of Pearl Resourcing

Can you separate your skin from your body? They are different things but they are symbiotic - protecting and defining each other. In the same way packaging is INTEGRAL in defining your product in so many ways... brand identity and customer loyalty, perceived dollar value, protecting it during transit and protecting it to extend shelf life. Packaging sells product and effects your customers long term buying decisions.

It’s a temptation to make picking packaging structure and artwork the last step in your product development process OR to make it the place where you skimp out the most in your budget. Put packaging design up there on your priority list if you want a successfully sold product!

Put packaging design up there on your priority list if you want a successfully sold product!

Word for the wise brand owner.

You have a great product but people won't even be able to enjoy it unless the packaging convinces people to buy it.
"People judge a book by its cover and a product by its packaging." - Emily Page, CEO of Pearl Resourcing


We'd love to hear how your team places packaging as a priority or what challenges you face in making it so? Comment below!


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