Transport yourself to the French Royal courts of gilded gold and lavish tapestries with the 2019 Lolli and Pops Signature Bon Bon Collection.
Six decadent bon bons are displayed in each elegant box – enjoy one flavor or mix and match with the gift-able Selector Display Box that holds 3 small bon bon boxes.
These polished parcels are bold in emerald, teal and cream entice with chocolate dipped flavors ranging from Red Velvet to Bananas Foster to Sea Salt Caramel.

At your next spring soirée don’t let them eat cake – indulge your guests in the Signature Bon Bon Collection at a Lolli and Pops store near you (locations searchable on http://lolliandpops.com).
Each set-up box is carefully embossed with the bold flavors of the truffles in side. A carefully gold kissed PET lid allows you to view these adorable hand-crafted chocolates sitting in 2 golden rows of 3.

The Selector Display Box has a delicate magnet that holds the hinged flap in place. When you lift the lid you can see the 3 smaller bon bon boxes nestled in gold like a sweet treasure.
Flip the lid back and under the box to create a ledge that puts dessert on display for your guests.
Branding: Maker NY (http://makerny.com)
Structural Packaging: Pearl Resourcing (http://pearlresourcing.net)
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