What’s more beautiful than a well constructed pallet?! This beautiful pallet of Bonne Maman mini jam gift set of 12 is perfect for the holidays AND SALE IN COSTCO. 🎄
Let's walk through the structural design process
You can see on picture 2 and 3 the two different options we created to display this adorable #minijams. Notice the dividing rows of each picture...

In ROUND 1 of our structural design we made the box as compact and small and structurally safe as possible BUT showed creases and wear quickly. Do you notice the crease?
In ROUND 2 you can see the change we made to the folding carton to eliminate the fold with a thicker fold. This lifted the jam jars, creating space between each row acreated a better giftable look.

When building you’re product packaging - which elements would you consider more important - compact size or appearance? Why? Leave your vote in the comments below!
Structural Design of Packaging + Manufacturing by Pearl Resourcing for Bonne Maman (https://www.bonnemaman.us) available in Costco (select regions).
Interested in having your structural packaging design re-designed? Contact us for an appointment today: info@pearlresourcing.net.